Australian Reform of Temporary Migration

Dans le cadre du projet E-BoP

12 septembre 2024
10h 11h30
séminaire en ligne

L'Équipe du Projet E-BoP organise le jeudi 12 septembre à 10h un séminaire en ligne qui portera sur la récente "réforme de la migration temporaire en Australie".

Avec Kate Golebiowska (Charles Darwin University-Australie), chercheuse en politiques publiques.


  • 10h00-10h10 Welcome Address Marco Rocca, CNRS - Université de Strasbourg (UMR 7354)
  • 10h10-10h50 Main lecture Kate Golebiowska, Charles Darwin University (Australia)
  • 10h50-11h30 Discussion with the E-BoP Team and the public


The dynamics of global migration bring challenges and opportunities and profoundly influence the economic and social structures in Australia. Following its election in May 2022, the Labor Federal Government in Canberra began an extensive review and reform of the national migration framework, underscoring the role of migration policy in Australia’s present and future trajectory. In thispresentation, Golebiowska will focus on temporary migration. Golebiowska will discuss why the reform was deemed necessary by the government; the specific temporary migration streams that the reform is addressing; community concerns and what outcomes may be expected when the reform is complete.

Kate Golebiowska is a Senior Research Fellow at Charles Darwin University in Darwin (Australia). Her research explores the intersection of immigration policy, economics, and social structures and their influence on migrants' economic andsocial participation.

Kate holds a PhD in Public Policy from the Australian NationalUniversity in Canberra and an MA in Political Science from the University of Warsaw. She was an Australian Fulbright scholar at Emory University in Atlanta (2023) and currently serves as the Vice-President of the Australian Population Association.

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