The Future of Cities and Energies in Western Europe: Scales, Actors and Social Experiments

Vers une sociologie politique des revolving doors - Des origines du phénomène à ses conséquences sur l’action publique

Transparency Between Watchword and Bureaucracy: Looking Behind the Scenography of the Juncker Political Commission

The European Union at the Test of Economic Crisis: How Has the EU Budget 2021–2027 Adapted?

Machine learning forecasting in the macroeconomic environment: the case of the US output gap

A Learning Model with Memory in the Financial Markets

A Sport that Crosses Borders? Sociology of Cross-Border Sporting Exchanges: The Franco-German Example

La méthanisation agricole saisie par les sciences humaines et sociales : transition énergétique versus transition écologique ?

Beyond the revolving door: professional paths of accredited parliamentary assistants after the European parliament