Page contents
2025-Call for applications PhD contract MAKERS
PhD MOBIL'ITI scholarships Scientific hosting in a research laboratory abroad
MOBIL'ITI - scientific hosting in a research laboratory aborad - Stay from 1 to 3 months
PhD MOBIL'ITI scholarships Participation in scientific international events
MOBIL'ITI - Participation in international scientific events (conferences, workshops, summer schools...)
Research Actions MAKErS Funding of Chairs, 'Indisciplinaries' projects, 'Rendez-vous' and workshops MAKErS
Call8 - Research actions MAKErS : Chairs, Indisciplinaries, Rendez-vous and Workshops
Call Fellowship MAKErS Visiting scholar - duration : 1-2 months
The call for Application is open permanently.
However, applications will be examined according to a fixed schedule.
In 2025, applications will be examined on:
- March 3rd
- May 26th
- June 24th
- June 30th
Documents available for download
- Filename: MAKErS-Call_Visiting_Scholar_Fellowship.pdf File extension: pdfFile size: 472 KB
- Filename: MAKErS-Application_form_Visiting_Scholar_Fellowship.docx File extension: docxFile size: 429 KB
- Filename: MAKErS_Visiting_Fellowship-Model_Employer_s_declaration.docx File extension: docxFile size: 16 KB
2025-GIS EURO-Lab Calls
Three calls for application are being issued again this year. They aim to support researchers in European studies from our partner institutions in carrying out their scientific projects.
- Support for the translation of scientific works into a foreign language aims to strengthen the international dissemination of French-speaking European research.
- The call for ‘educational projects, training, dissemination of research, cultural events’ aims to support innovative educational or cultural projects that contribute to the dissemination and discussion of research work in the field of European studies. It can support the creation of teaching formats as well as events to promote and disseminate research results (support for documentary writing, organisation of cultural events based on researchers' work, exhibitions or festivals, etc.).
- The call for research projects aims to enable or accompany the emergence of new issues, support the implementation of research and field surveys along the 4 priority research axes of the GIS Euro-Lab (1) Enlargements of the European Union; (2) Artificial Intelligence and the European Union; (3) Just Transitions and (4) Which Europe for European Studies?
The terms of reference for the three calls for applications are available on the dedicated page of the EURO-Lab website.
Deadline for applications: 17 March 2025
Examination of the applications by the GIS Euro-Lab Scientific Council and announcement of the selected projects: mid-April
Applications should be sent to
For further information, please contact HERE
Research Training For M2 students
The Form 2023-2024 is available here (for members only)
Educational support
The form is available here (for members only)