AXIS 1 : Theories, concepts and research integration

Which tools are available to study European society and how do categories, measures, norms and procedures participate in the construction of common frameworks in different countries, at different times, by different actors and organizations. How can tools for comparison transcend national differences and identify trends?

Coordinators : Alice DEBAUCHE (SAGE), Jocelyn DONZE (BETA), Erik-André SAULEAU (iCube)

Axis presentation

The integration of researchers from different disciplines working on the construction of European societies requires a specific strategy to share and disseminate conceptual, methodological and theoretical tools. The main objective here is to stabilize definitions of key concepts, share methodological tools and promote reflexivity by contextualizing and historicizing concepts and categories.

This implies looking not only at the concepts and tools produced by European and international institutions, ready to use such as social surveys, Eurobarometer data or a wide range of economic indicators, but also at the categories and methodologies used for comparative research in economics, law, sociology and political science, in order to grasp the interests and conventions that govern their construction.

In order to facilitate the emergence of a multidisciplinary and critical practice, based on data processing, a particular focus will be put on open science and on the reuse of data collected for other purposes. The challenge is to describe which categories are designed, how they circulate, and how they are reshaped. The university data platform (PUD-S) proposed by the MISHA constitutes a pillar of this part.

This epistemological reflexivity on the concepts, categories and methodologies produced by the 'sciences of the State' (law, political science, economics and sociology in particular) will allow a critical distance to be established with the visions of the world that political leaders, civil servants, but also researchers have contributed to co-construct.

Membres de l'axe 1

Chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et enseignants

  •  Spécialité : Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle;
    Droit de l'informatique
  •  UMR : CEIPI
  •  Composante : CEIPI
  •  franck.macrez[at]


Ingénieurs d'études et de recherche
