AXIS 4 : How European society is regulated?

Through which political, legal and social mechanisms? What are the intended and unintended effects?

Coordinators : Sébastien MICHON (SAGE), Fleur LARONZE (DRES), Jamel SAADAOUI (BETA)

Axis présentation

The work of Axis 4 is concerned with the forms of regulation that make it possible to deal with the various economic and social interests and to articulate them in order to 'make society'. They study the legal and economic norms (international, transnationale, European, national, private) that enable the emergence of a common interest specific to an organisation, or on the contrary, hinder its emergence. The interest in the modes of coordination of norms, the genesis of the common interest and its implementation reveals the specificities of European society, the place of private and transnational organisations, the recomposition of the State in Europe, the stakes of the development of the European decision-making level, as well as the legitimacy of actors working at different levels (international, transnational, European, national, local) and contributing to the intermediation between them.

Thus, this work questions, on the one hand, the functioning of European democracy (political, social, economic), its institutions (European Parliament, national governments, European social partners, regulatory agencies, etc.) and its instruments (voting procedures, systems of representation and delegation, etc.) in the public policy-making process. On the other hand, they study the processes that allow to overcome the friction points of regulation and the conflicts between interests such as those between economic and social domains.

Analysing the implementation of various policies (cohesion policies, anti-discrimination policies, economic policies), the appropriation of categories of public action at different scales (transparency imperative, common good, new social rights) or the experimentation of new devices (civil and social dialogue, participatory science, mediation, publicisation...) will allow to grasp and to concretely question the norms of government and the forms of European citizenship.

Membres de l'axe 4

Chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et enseignants

  •  Spécialité : Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle;
    Droit de l'informatique
  •  UMR : CEIPI
  •  Composante : CEIPI
  •  franck.macrez[at]


Ingénieurs d'études et de recherche
