2024 17-18 juin - Conférence AICC AICC - Action versus Inaction facing Climate Change

The second international AICC (Action versus Inaction facing Climate Change) conference was held on June 17 and 18 in Strasbourg, bringing together nearly 150 participants from various backgrounds to discuss the critical issue of climate change.
The first day, warmly and professionally hosted at the European Parliament, began with high-level plenary presentations followed by a roundtable discussion, gathering international speakers. The discussions covered crucial topics such as climate policies, the impacts of climate change on ecosystems, and the necessary energy and ecological transitions. The issue of climate change was addressed at local, French, European, and North-South levels.
The second day, held at the Faculty of Economics and Management, focused on thematic parallel sessions covering areas such as green economy, sustainable finance, resilient cities, and eco-responsible behaviors.
Download the Programme here
The presence of students, local representatives, and civil society actors greatly enriched the debates.
Participants were able to establish valuable contacts and lay the groundwork for future interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaborations, essential to tackling the complex challenges posed by the global environmental crisis.
A LinkedIn group, a website, and a dedicated YouTube channel will allow for continued discussions and sharing of resources from the conference.
The next AICC3 edition is already scheduled to take place in Lausanne in June 2025.
La première édition de la conférence AICC a eu lieu au siège du CNRS à Paris le 29 septembre 2023.
Les vidéos de la 1ère conférence AICC sont en ligne ici